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Sandhill Cranes along the Platte River


Each spring, hundreds of thousands of Sandhill Cranes migrate north through the center of the North American continent and spend time along the Platte River in Nebraska. These cranes are on their way to breeding grounds, and take advantage of food and relatively safe roosting in the shallow river water. Here are a few photographs from my short, 12 hour, trip in late March 2007.




Several large flocks of birds took off and spiraled up and up as they set out for the next leg of their northward journey.


Feeding in corn fields by day


Platte River



Sunrise along the Platte River


Crane watchers crowding the Hike/Bike bridge near Kearney on a Friday evening


The day ends with huge flocks of cranes flying to safe roosting spots in the river.


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   Images © Judd Patterson